
Best is a very efficient dishwashing liquid soap, having a highly foaming mixture of surfactants with a pleasant pine or lemon scents. It is used to clean all kitchen utilities leaves them sparkling clean.
Best is very gentle on hands with no skin irritation and dryness and it is biodegradable.
Best disinfects and disintegrates grease, which are additional properties over other dishwashing liquid soaps.


In addition to the anionic and cationic cleaning materials that Best possesses, there are antiseptic compounds and preservatives. Foam booster, dyes, perfumes and viscosity controllers are also employed.


– Plastic bottles of different capacities.
– Plastic u.s. gallons.
– 25 liters plastic gallons.


If Best is kept closed in its own original refills away from heat and direct sunlight, it would be stored for more than two years without any effect on its cleaning power and material degradation or contamination

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